Why doesn't anybody talk about overpopulation? Isn't it obvious that there are way too many people on this planet? Isn't it clear that population control is essential for dealing with climate change? I mean really, people.

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Friday, March 9, 2018

the trouble with feminists

The trouble with feminists is, they don't reproduce. These are among the brightest, best-educated people in our society, but a lot of them don't have any children at all. It's almost a badge of honor with them. Oh, they might have one, a la Chelsea Clinton, but that's about it, that's enough of that oppressive, patriarchal child-bearing nonsense. Meanwhile, the welfare idiots are churning them out like rabbits. Idiocracy, here we come.

I think educated, intelligent women should feel obligated to have at least two children, three if they and their spouse want one and can afford it. In fact, I would almost say that women like this have a duty to reproduce.